Therapy for Anxiety in Oklahoma.

Hope for those exhausted by worry and wonder. It's time to let go of what we can't control.


Do you find it difficult turn down the intensity of your thoughts when you would like some peace?


Do you become overwhelmed by the thought of potentially stressful situations or even avoid them entirely?


Do you struggle to make decisions without second-guessing yourself?


Do you find yourself imagining worst-case-scenarios in stressful situations so that you feel prepared?


Do you find yourself assuming what others may be thinking and then acting or making decisions based on those assumptions?


Anxiety often stems from feeling as if the things that happen in life are out of our control. When we have learned through past experiences that this is something to be feared, our mind learns to protect and prepare us by making predictions or practicing potential scenarios over and over in our minds hoping this will keep us from being blind-sided. Often at the root of this protective mechanism are experiences that caused us to develop negative beliefs that follow us around and keep us fearful and full of worry.


I'm not capable.

I should have known better.

I'm not safe.

It was my fault.

I cannot trust my judgement.

I have to be perfect.

I am powerless.

I can't trust anyone but myself.

I cannot protect myself or my family.

I'm not capable. I should have known better. I'm not safe. It was my fault. I cannot trust my judgement. I have to be perfect. I am powerless. I can't trust anyone but myself. I cannot protect myself or my family.

Together, we can work on:

how therapy for anxiety works

Anxiety on the Blog.

You don't need to see the whole path to keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other.